Evening star from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)


The of the late Lt. PAUL GRAHAM MITCHELL wish to thank their many friends and relatives for their expressions of sympathy at the time of their bereavement. THE MITCHELL FAMILY. Deaths ADLER, SAMUEL. On Thursday.

October 14, 1943, at his residence. 423 Mass. ave. n.w.. SAMUEL ADLER.

75 years of age, beloved husband of Carrie Adler. Remains resting at his late residence until Sunday morning. October 17. Interment Hebrew Friendship Cemetery. Baltimore, Sunday, October 17, at 11 a.m.

ANDERSON. LELIA. On Thursday, October 14, 1943. at residence. 664 Acker st.

n.e., LELIA sister of Nellie Johnson. Margaret Moses Wingfield James Wingfield: cousin of Hannah Johnson. She also leaves eight nieces, four nephews and a host of other relatives and friends. Notice A of funeral later. Services by Stewart's funeral home.

30 st. n.e. BARNUM, MARK H. Suddenly, on Thursday. October 14.

1943. at his residence. 208 Baltimore Takoma Park, MARK H. BARNUM, husband of the late Sadie Barnum. Services the S.

H. Hines Co. funeral 2901 14th st. n.w., on Monday, October 18, at 10 a.m. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.

17 BLACKMAN, MAULSEY, WILLETT. On Tuesday, October at his home, Dale drive. Silver Spring. MAULSBY WILLETT BLACKMAN, beloved husband cf Myrtle N. Blackman.

Mr. Blackman rests at the Warner E. Pumphrey funeral 8434 Georgia Silver Spring. where services horde: will be held on Friday, October 15. at 7 p.m.

Interment private. 15 BLUNDON, KENNETH J. On Thursday, October 14, Mount Alto Hospital, KENNETH J. BLUNDON of Forest Glen, husband of Lucille Price Blundon. father of Kenneth E.

Blundon and Martha Halluin and son of Mrs. Martha B. Blundon. Mr. Blundon rests at the Warner E.

Pumphrey funeral home, 8434 Georgia Silver Spring. where services will be held on Saturday, October 16. at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors. 16 BOWMAN.

WILLIAM S. Suddenly. on Thursday. October 14, 1943. at his residence.

1:07 Randolph st. n.e., WILLIAM S. BOWMAN. beloved father of Charles George William Eldon Paul R. Porter Ernest Bernard B.

Bowman. Mrs. Mildred Gulli. Mrs. Sue Costello.

Mrs. Dora Lutz and Olive Audrey L. and Pearl L. Bowman. Funeral services at his late residence.

Saturday. October 16, at d. p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Sunday at p.m..

at Cumberland. Md. (Cumberland papers please copy.) 16 BOYD, HESTER. On Thursday, October 14. 1943.

HESTER BOYD of 3630 13th st. aunt Mrs. Cora L. Luce and grandaunt of Mary Anita Luce and Virsinia Luce Weber of Indianapolis. Ind.

Remains resting at the above residence. Notice of funeral later. Services by Chambers' Riverdale funeral home. BRITT. JOHN HARRY.

On Thursday, October 14. 1943. at his residence. 1386 st. n.e..

JOHN HARRY BRITT, beloved husband of the late Cora Lee Britt and father of L. Louise Miller. Beulah O. Fewell. Ethel B.

Barry, Edna L. Haberle, Lydia B. Byrne and J. Harry Britt. jr.

Friends may call at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave. n.e..

where services will be held en Saturday. October 16. at noon. Relatives and friends are Invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery.

BROWN. THOMAS H. On Wednesday, October 13. 1913. THOMAS H.

BROWN, father of Samuel R. Brown and brother of Sadie R. Brown. He also is survived by two grandsons, William F. and Alvin V.

Powell. and other relatives and friends. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Friday, October 15. at the Allen Morrow.

funeral home. 1326 st. n.w.. where funeral services will be held Saturday. October 16.

at 1:30 p.m.. Rev. Wesley Wheeler officiatine. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. BROWN.

THOMAS H. Officers and members of the Coachmen's Union and Aid Association, No. 1. are requested to attend the funeral of our late brother. THOMAS H.

BROWN. on Saturday, October 16. 1943. at 1:30 p.m.. at the S.

P. Morrow funeral parlors. 1326 st. n.w. By order of the president.


COULTER. ANNA BREWSTER. On Thursday. October 14. 1943.

ANNA BREWSTER COULTER. 255 Belmont road n. beloved widow of Eugene C. Coulter and mother of Eliot B. Coulter.

Helen B. Coulter. Mrs. Roberts Parsons and Mr. Albert Bonner.

Funeral services at the above residence 011 Saturday. October 16, at 2 p.m. Interment in Ohio. 16 DAVIS. DAVID MALCOLM.

On Wednesday, October 13, 1943. at the Medical College Hospital. Richmond. Va. DAVID MALCOLM DAVIS.

husband of Adelia H. Davis He also 15 survived br two sons. Put. David Porter Davis. U.

S. A and Charles W. Davis: two daughters. Mrs Lee A. Goss and Mrs.

Edwin J. Deitz. and four crandsons. Funeral from his late residence at White Stone, Saturday, October 16. at p.m Interment at White Stone Methodist Cemetery.

tober 14. Providence Hospital. DAVIS. JASPER, H. On Thursday, OcJASPER H.

DAVIS. beloved husband of Lennie Rae Davis and father of Jackie Davis. Friends may call at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass.

ave. n.e., where services will be held on Saturday. October 16. at 2:30 p.m. Relatives and friends Invited.

Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. October 12, residence. 1400 DOUGLAS, VIRGINIA. F. On Tuesdas, 14th st.

n.w.. A VIRGINIA F. DOUGLAS. beloved wife of George W. Douglas.

Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n. until 7 p.m. Friday. October 15.

Services and interment Beckly, W. Va. FARSON. CLARA E. On Thursday, October 14.

1943. CLARA E. PARSON of Spring road n.w.. beloved mother of Mr. Perry F.

Farson and Mrs. May Belle Kelby. Services at the S. H. Hines Co.

funeral home. 2901 14th n. on Monday. October 18. at 1 p.m.

Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery, Baltimore, Md. 16 FEAIRHELLER. MARTHA SHERMAN. Suddenly. on Thursday, October 14, 1943.

at her residence. 1344 Oak st. n.w.. MARTHA SHERMAN FEAIRHELLER. beloved mother of J.

George and Edger C. Feairheller Funeral services at. Oliver Bair's funeral home. 1820 Chestnut st. Philadelphia, Pa.

on Monday. October 18, at 2 p.m. Interment Philadelphia, Pa GAMBLE. JEANNETTE STEVENS. On Thursday.

October 14. 1943. at Homeopathic Hospital. JEANNETTE STEVENS GAMBLE. wife of William Gamble.

Friends may call at Gawler's chapel, 1156 Pa. ave. n.w. Services will be held at St. Paul's Church.

and st. and Pa. ave, on Monday, October 18, at 9:30 a.m. Interment York. Pa.

GARRETT, RUTH MARION. On Thursday, October 14. 1943. at her residence. 150 Rhode Island ave.

n.w.. RUTH MARION GARRETT. sister of Dr. Marshall T. Garrett.

Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by McGuire. GAUGES, MARY C. Friday. October 15.

1943. MARY C. GAUGES. beloved wife of the late Joseph Gauges, mother of Joseph Francis George Mary Margaret. Mrs.

Gertrude C. Dolan and Mrs. Regina Howard. Friends may call at her late residence. 1601 Otis st.

n.e., after 6 p.m. Friday. October 15. Notice of funeral later. Arrangements by William H.

Sardo Co. GOTT. JAMES D. On Wednesday. October 13.

1943. at Gordon's Convalescent Fiome, st. w. after a brief illness. JAMES D.

GOTT of 604 st. n.w.. beloved son of Toney and Jane Gott of Jonesboro. Tenn. Also surviving are one sister.

Mrs. Sarah Shepperd of Baltimore. and Dr. Douglass J. Shepperd of Baltimore.

and a host of other relatives and many friends. After pm. Friday. October 15. friends may call at the Cornish Cornish Co.

funeral home. 2121 10th st. n.w.. where services will be held on Saturday. October 16.

at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery. HEY, SERGT. CHARLES JR. On Friday.

October S. 1943. at Tampa Bay. Tampa. Sergt.

CHARLES H. HEY. beloved husband of Shirley M. Hey and son of 1 Charles and Ethel- Rebecca Hay of 1422 N. Nelson Arlington, and brother of Mrs.

Verna Murray. Remains resting at Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson Arlington. where funeral services will be held Saturday. October 16.

at 1:30 p.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery HUNDLEY, DAVID. On Friday. October 15. at his residence.

460-A st. s.w.. DAVID HUNDLEY, beloved son of Roy and Betty Hundley Remains resting at the T. F. Costello funeral home, 1722 North Capitol St.

Notice of funeral later. JENNISON, ALICE M. On Thursday, October 14, 1943. at Providence Hospital. ALICE M.

JENNISON. the beloved wife of the late Jennison and mother of Frank Ellsworth M. and Robert C. and Barbara M. Jennison.

Funeral from her late residence. 210 13th st. n.e.. on Monday, October 18. at p.m.

Relatives and friends invited. Interment Hill Cemetery. 17 JETT. MYSSIE. On Thursday.

October 14, 1943. at her residence. Spring n.w., MYSSIE JETT. beloved sister of Herriett Moran and Anasias Lochte. Services at the S.

H. Hines Co. funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday, October 16, at 9:30 a.m.: thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church. where high requiem mass will be said at 10 a.m.

Interment Mount Olivet Cemetery. 15 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. J. William Lee's Sons Co. 4th and Mass Ave.

N.E. LI. 5200. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Crematorium. V.

L. SPEARE CO. Neither successor to nor connected with the original W. R. Speare establishment 1009 St.

N.W. National Phone 2892 FRANK GEIER'S SONS CO. 1113 St N.W. NA. 2473 3605 14th N.W.

HO. 2326 Our Charges Are Reasonable. FUNERAL DESIGNS. GUDE BROS. CO.

Floral Pieces 1212 8t. N.W. Vatienal 4876. GEO. C.


14th Eye Open and Sundays Evening Deaths a.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. 15 TRUMBO, RAYMOND J. Washington Lodge.

No. 15, B. P. O. Eiks.

will convene in session of sorrow at 7 p.m. Friday, October 15. 1943. to pay tribute to the memory of our late brother. RAYMOND J.

TRUMBO. enrolled January 13, 1943: died October 12. 1943. Elk services at Hysong's funeral parlors at 1:30 p.m. By order of AMBROSE A.

DURKIN. Acting Exalted Ruler. Attest: L. M. YOUNG, Secretary.

WINES, ERNEST C. On Thursday. October 14, 1943. at Providence Hospital. ERNEST C.

WINES. beloved husband of Corrie E. Wines and father of Ernest L. Wines and Mrs. Catherine Loveiess.

Funeral from his late residence. 519 14th st. s.e., on Saturday, October 16. at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited.

Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery: 15 WILDER. SALLIE C. On Tuesday, October 1943. Mrs. SALLIE C.

WILDER of 1302 Girard st. n.w., wife of the late Dr. James R. Wilder and the very dearly beloved mother of Mrs. Susan W.

Thompson and the late Dr. Charles M. Wilder. Also surviving are three grandchildren. other relatives and many friends.

After 10 a.m. Friday friends may call at the McGuire funeral home, 1820 9th st. n.w., where services will be held on Saturday, October 16. at 1 p.m. Interment Lincoln Memorial Cemetery.

15 WOOD, NELLIE ANDERSON. On Wednesday, October 13. 1943, at her residence. 1354 Ingraham st. n.w., NELLIE ANDERSON WOOD.

She is survived by a sister-in-law. Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson of Philadelphia. Pa. Services at the S.

H. Hines Co. funeral home. 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday, October 16.

at 3 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. In Memoriam BUCKEY, CHARLES H. In sad but lov. ing remembrance my devoted husband.

CHARLES H. BUCKEY, who passed away two years ago today, October 15, 1941. My home is sad and dreary, My heart is full of God knows how I miss you At the end of this two years. Forget you? No, I never will, I loved you then, I love you still; Your memory is as fresh today As in the hour you passed away. YOUR LONELY WIFE.

ANNIE. KENNEDY, JOHN JOSEPH. On Wednesday, October 13. 1943. at his residence, 16th st.

n.w., JOHN JOSEPH KENNEDY, beloved husband of Mary F. Kennedy and son of the late John Joseph and Catherine Kennedy. Friends invited to call at Gawler's chapel, 1756 Pa. ave. n.w., services held cn Saturday, October 16, at 2:30 p.m.

Interment private. LEONARD, LAURA B. On Thursday, October 14, 1943. Doctors Hospital. LAURA LEONARD.

beloved wife of Fred J. Leonard of 6718 N. Central Chevy Chase, Md. Funeral services at the Chase funeral home of Bethesda Reuben Pumphrey on Saturday, October 16. at p.m.

Interment Rock Creek Cemetery. 16 LUCAS, GEORGE A. Suddenly, 0n1 Tuesday, October 12, 1943. at Casualty Hospital, GEORGE A. LUCAS of 1692.

st. s.e. He leaves a devoted wife. Mrs. Ida B.

Lucas; one brother, Benjamin Lucas; two nephews. Robert E. and James E. Lucas; a foster son. James A.

Smith: a niece. Mrs. Ruth West: a sister-in-law. Mrs. Carrie Lucas, and other relatives and friends.

The late Mr. Lucas is resting at the Morris A. Carter Co. funeral home, 2nd and sts. s.w..

until noon Friday, October 15: thereafter at his late residence, where services will be held at 1 p.m.. Woodlawn Saturday. Cemetery. October 16. Interment LYTLE.

SAMUEL L. Suddenly, on Thursday, October 14. 1943. at his residence. 636 st.

n.e., SAMUEL L. LYTLE, beloved husband of the late Margaret C. Lytle and father of Thomas William H. Lytle and Mrs. Rose Wiswesser, and brother of Mrs.

Rose Koob. Friends may call at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass. ave.

n.e.. where services will be held on Saturday, October 16. at 11 a.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery. MADSEN, LAURA BLADEN.

On Tuesday, October 1943. at Miami, LAURA BLADEN MADSEN, beloved wife of George W. Madsen of Arlington, and mother of Mrs. Ruth Dorman and Mrs. Olive Mason.

Remains resting at the Ives funeral home. 2847 Wilson Arlington. where funeral services will be held Monday, October 18, at 2:30 p.m. Interment Methodist Cemetery, Alexandria, Va. 17 MADANIEL.

SERGT. THOMAS J. Suddenly. on Monday, October 11. 1943.

at Bruning, Seret. THOMAS J. McDANIEL of 630 Mass. ave. beloved husband of Mary C.

McDaniel and son of J. M. and Bessie E. McDaniel and brother of James B. McDaniel and Mrs.

Mary E. Vitale. Friends may call at the Lee funeral home. 4th st. and Mass.

ave. n.e.. where services will be on Monday, Ociober 18, at 2 p.m. Relatives and friends invited. Interment Arlington National 1 Cemetery.

17 MESSINEO, ANTHONY. On Wednesday. 13. 1943. at his residence, 1346 Randolph st.

n.w.. ANTHONY MESSINEO. beloved husband of Helene Messineo and brother of Andrew Messineo. Services at the above residence on Saturday, October 16. at 8:30 a.m.: thence to the Shrine of the Sacred Heart Church.

where mass will be offered at 9 a.m. 15 MYERS, MAUDE E. On Thursday. October 14. 1943.

MAUDE E. MYERS. beloved wife of Wilson M. Myers. Remains resting at Chambers' funeral home, 1400 Chapin st.

n. w. Services interment Ahoskie. N. C.

PEARCE. CHARLES W. Suddenly, on Thursday, October 14. 1943. at the home of his daughter.

Mrs. John V. Murphy, 3420 N. Lorcom lane. Arlington.

CHARLES W. PEARCE, aged 87. He also is survived by another daughter. Mrs. Ernest S.

Hendry; two sons. Warren W. and Charles W. Pearce: seven grandchildren and a sister, Mrs. Joseph W.

Poole Funeral services on Saturday. October 16. at 1" o'clock noon. at the Ewell Williamson funeral home, Norfolk. Va.

PEDDICORD. NELLIE IRENE. On ThursPEDDICORD. Christine daughter 1943. of the late Peddicord C.

IRENE Alex- and October 14. NELLIE TO sister of Mrs. James J. Nolan of Catonsville. Md.

Services at Chambers' Riverdale funeral home on Saturday, October 16, at p.m. Interment Laytonsville, Md. POLAND. MYER D. On October 13, 1943, MYER D.

POLAND, beloved husband of Sadie and beloved father U. S. Mrs. Billig and Norma of Lt. Sidney Polanded Lt.

Morton Poland. Poland. Funeral from his late residence. 3805 Park Heights Baltimore. on Sunday, October 17.

at p.m Interment Shaarei Zion Congregational Cemetery, Rosedale. Please omit flowers. (In mourning after Jewish Holy Day beginning October 24. at 3805 Park Heights ave QUEEN, REBECCA. Departed this life Sunday, October 10.

1943. REBECCA two sisters. Mrs. Jane Duckett and Mrs. QUEEN.

She leaves in mourn their loss Donnev Janifer: nieces and nephews, and A devoted friend. Daniel B. Mankins Remains resting at 5' 615 st. Friday, October after p.m Funeral Saturday, October 16, at 1 p.m from John Stewart Memorial Church 3rd and sts. s.w.

Interment Woodlawn Cemetery. Arrangements by Barnes Matthews. RAUM. GEORGE H. On Thirsday.

October 14. 1943. GEORGE H. RAUM. beloved son of the late George and Elizabeth M.

Raum. Remains resting at the James T. Ryan funeral home, 317 Pa. ave. s.e.* Notice of funeral later.

RODANO. JOSEPH. Suddenly on Wednesday, October 13. 1943, at his residence, 417 Randolph st. n.w..

JOSEPH RODANO, beloved husband of Maria Rodano, father of Joseph Josephine. August. Paul, John, Ellen, Carmalia Rodano and Mrs. Petrinia Fortunato. Remains resting at the above residence until Saturday, October 16.

at 8:30 a.m. Requiem mass at St. Gabriel's Church at 9 a.m. Interment in St. Mary's Cemetery.

Services by Chambers. 15 ROGERS, MARTHA B. On Tuesday, October 12. 1943. at her residence.

1421 F. st. n.e., MARTHA B. ROGERS. beloved wife of the late William R.

Rogers Remains resting at the above residence. Services at the Metropolitan Baptist Church. 6th and A sts. n.e.. on Saturday.

October at 2 p.m. Interment at Rock Creek Cemetery. Services by Chambers. 15 SIVILS. EUNICE On Thursday.

October 11. 1943. EUNICE A. SIVILS, the beloved mother of Pvt. Truie V.

Sivils and sister of Charles James R. and Harry L. Creech. Mrs. Elise I.

Sivils. Mrs. W. R. Whitesides.

and daughter of Mrs. Kate Creech. Services at Chambers' funeral home. 517 11th st s.c.. on Saturday.

October 1t. at 1 p.m. Notice of interment later. SMITH, VINCENT BAKER. On Wednesday.

October 13. 1943, at his residence. 491: Brandywine St. n. VINCENT BAKER SMITH.

beloved husband of Goldie L. Smith and father of V. Baker Smith. Jr. and Robert L.

Smith, and brother of Frank E. Smith. Services at the S. H. Hines Co.

funeral home, 2901 14th st. n.w., on Saturday, October 16. at 11 a.m. Interment Arlington National Cemetery. 15 STAPLES, JOHN T.

On Wednesday, October 13, 1943. at his residence. 18th st. JOHN T. STAPLES.

beloved husband of Garnette E. Staples and father of J. Roy and Herbert T. Staples: also brother of Bessie Golihew. Services at Chambers' funeral home.

317 11th st. s.e., on Saturday. October 16. at 2:30 p.m. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery.

15 TALBOTT. ANNA, RUTH. On Wednesday. October 1943. at her residence, 2348 Skyland pl.

s.e., ANNA RUTH TALBOTT. beloved daughter of Mrs. Grace and the late Charles F. Talbott. Friends may call at the Lee funeral home, 4th st.

and Mass. ave. n.e., where services will be held on Saturday. October 16. at 1:30 p.m.

Relatives and friends invited. Interment Cedar Hill Cemetery. 15 THRIFT. CHARLES MACKIN. (BUCK).

Thursday. October at his home. Travilah. CHARLES MACKIN THRIFT, beloved husband of Anna Louise Thrift. Notice of funeral later.

TONSTAD. SUSAN. On Wednesday, October 13. 1943. at Sibley Memorial Hospital.

SUSAN TONSTAD. beloved daughter of Vernon Tonstad. Remains resting at Chambers funeral home, 1400 Chapin st. n.w. Notice of funeral later.

TRUMBO, RAYMOND J. On Tuesday. October 12. his residence. 208 st.

n.w.. RAYMOND J. TRUMBO. beloved husband of Mrs. Louise V.

Trumbo and father of Leona Virginia Trumbo. He also is survived by his mother. Mrs. Leona J. Trumbo.

and his sister. Mrs. Marion V. Skinner, and his nephew, Lt. Elmer E.

Skinner, U. S. A. C. Remains resting at Hysong's funeral home.

1300 st. n.w., where services will be held 011 Saturday, October 16. at 11 a.m. Relatives and friends are invited to attend. Interment Fort Lincoln Cemetery.

Club to Meet Polish music, dancing and refreshments will be featured at the regular monthly social of Group 848, Polish National Alliance and Polish Club of Washington. The affair is scheduled tomorrow night at Stansbury Hall, 5832 Georgia avenue N.W. 11t Memoriam BUTLER, LUCY A. In loving memory of my dear mother. LUCY A.

BUTLER, who died twenty-five years ago today, October 15, 1918. May her soul rest in peace. HER SON, BENJ. T. BUTLER.

DAGGS, WILLIAM. In loving remembrance of our dear husband and lonely father, WILLIAM DAGGS. who departed this life two years a80 today, October 15, 1941. The rolling stream of life rolls on, But still the vacant chair Recalls the love, the voice. the smile, Of him who once sat there.

Our hearts cannot tell how we miss, you. Our lips do not know what But only God knows how we miss you In our lonely hours today. WIFE AND CHILDREN. DUCKETT. THOMAS H.

In loving memory of my beloved father, THOMAS HENRY DUCKETT, who fell asleep in Jesus twentynine years ago today, October 15. 1914. Gone are the steps we loved so dear, Silent the voice we loved to hear; Too far away for sight or speech. But not too far for thoughts to reach. HIS SON.

THOMAS H. DUCKETT, Jr. GINGELL. MARY A. A tribute of love and devotion to the memory of our mother.

sister and aunt, MARY A. GINGELL, who entered into eternal rest three years ago today, October 15, 1940. Let us think of her today, Sleeping, resting. just away: Resting where no shadows fall. In periect peace she waits us all.


KLINE. GRANT, AMANDA. In sweet memory of our dear sister. AMANDA GRANT. who departed this life one year ago today, October 15.

The days have passed and gone. But your memory lingers near: You are gone, but not forgotten. But Your family wish you were here. YOUR BROTHER A AND SISTER. JAMES VALJEAN AND ADDIE JOHNSON.

HOSTON, ALBERT. In sacred memory my devoted husband. ALBERT HOSTON. who fell asleep in Jesus one year ago today, October 15, Sleep on, dear husband, and take your eternal rest. YOUR LOVING WIFE, LAURA GERTRUDE.

To have peace of mind I wish to make a correction of an error made in the card of thanks that did not mention the beautiful flowers sent in by our many friends. MRS. LAURA G. HOSTON. HOSTON.

ALBERT. In sad memory of my father. ALBERT HOSTON, who departed this life October 15, one year ago today. Our hearts. still ache with sadness, Our have shed many tears; God only knows how much we miss you In the last year YOUR LONELY DAUGHTER.

NELLIE SILVA: GRANDCHILDREN AND SONIN-LAW. MARY HARRIS: HARRIS. FRANCES AUSTINA. In sweet remembrance loving daughter and dear sister. MARY HARRIS LAW, who departed this life three vears ago today.

October 15. 1940. dear daughter and lovInC sister. A FRANCES AUSTINA HARRIS. who passed away November 20, Loved in life.


In loving memory of our dear father. ROBERT MARKS. who departed this life four years ago today. October, 15. 1939.

Those whom we love go out of sight. But never out of mind: They are cherished in the hearts they leave behind. DAUGHTERS, RUTH AND ESTHER. McDONALD, LOUISE JANE AND CATHERINE THOMPSCN. In sad but loving memory of our dear mother and grandmother.

LOUISE McDONALD. and sister and aunt. CATHERINE THOMPSON, who departed this life fourteen years ago. June 10. 1929.

and October 15, 1929. respectively. 'Tis sweet to think we will meet again, Where parting is no more. And that the ones we love 50 well Have only gone before. BETTY W.

SMITH AND DAUGHTER. WILLIE WILKERSON. I did not pain you bore, RACKEY, MAURICE, H. I did not see you die. I only know you went away And did not say Rood-by.

But you are not forgotten, father, dear. Nor will you ever be: As lone as life and memory last I will always remember thee. LOVING WIFE AND FAMILY. ROBINSON, JAMES M. AND LOTTIE A tribute of devotion to the memory of our dear parents.

JAMES M. ROBINSON and LOTTIE V. ROBINSON, who passed away October 8, 1924, and October 15, respectively. There is no death, those gone before Have just stepped through an open door, Just passed into a land unseen. Still near.


MARY I. In loving remembrasce of our dear wife and mother. MARY I. STEVENS. who passed away four years ago today, October 15, 1939.

We are sad within our memories, Lonely are our hearts For you, the one we loved so dearly, Have forever passed away. HUSBAND AND CHILDREN. TAYLOR. MAGGIE L. In loving remembrance of my dear wife.

MAGGIE L. TAYLOR. who departed this life twentyeight vears ago today, October 15, 1915. God's mercy endures forever. Sun and stars are doing His will: But.

oh. tor the touch of a vanished hand And the voice that is still. DEVOTED HUSBAND. P. T.

TAYLOR. TURNER, LINWOOD. In sad but loving remembrance of our beloved husband and father, LINWOOD TURNER. who departed this life four years ago today, October 15. 1939.

Time takes away the edge of sorrows, But memories never fade away; We'd give a million tomorrows For just one yesterday. DEVOTED WIFE. MYRTLE. AND SON. WASHINGTON, CHARLOTTE.

In sad but remembrance of my dear grandmother. CHARLOTTE WASHINGTON. who departed. this 15, life 1930. thirteen years ago toPeaceful be thy rest.

dear grandmother. It is sweet to breathe thy name; In life. I loved you dearly, In death I do the same HER GRANDSON. EARL EASTON. WILSON, WILLIAM EDWARD.

In lovIng memory of our son and brother. WILLIAM EDWARD WILSON. who died four years ago today, October 15. 1939. THE FAMILY.

MONUMENTS $40 up up FALVEY FALVEY GRANITE CO. INC. Established Years 209 UPSHUR ST.N.W Near Rock Creek Cemetery OPEN SUNDAYS TAYLOR 1100 ONE OF THE Largest Undertakers In the World! W. W. Chambers says: "We'll supply fine funerals at a price as low or lower than any undertaker in the world." We have plenty of caskets This casket and 60 services $198 This casket and 60 services $336 Bronze casket and 60 The Greater Chambers Ca Phone: COlumbia 0432 Memorial Services For Dr.

Pierce Held At All Souls' Church An impressive memorial service for the Rev. Dr. Ulysses Grant Baker Pierce, pastor of All Souls' Unitarian Church, was held yesterday afternoon in the auditorium of the church ch at Sixteenth and Harvard streets N.W., where he preached his final sermon hours before his death last Sunday. In the congregation assembled to honor him were men and women had known the veteran minister from the start of his career in Washington 42 years ago. The service was conducted by the Rev.

Dr. Frederick May Elliot of president of the American Unitarian Association, who, in deference to Dr. Pierce's own wishes, refrained from a formal eulogy. Reads 90th Psalm. Instead, Dr.

Elliot read the 90th Psalm, beginning: "Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place all the 13th chapter of St. Matthew including the parable of the sower, and other selected passages from the Scripture. Then lowed a prayer of thanks for "this servant, of the living truth, who being dead, yet speakest." Dr. Elliot that portion of Epictetus concerning the "soldier Wordsworth's "Happy Warrior" and other quotations from secular writers. Mrs.

Pierce, her daughter, Mrs. K. Hilding Beij, and grandson, Pierce Beij, occupied seats front of the church. Church Figures Attend. Among others attending were the Rev.

Dr. Frederick Brown Harris, the Rev. Dr. Seth R. Brooks, the Rev.

Dr. George S. Duncan, the Rev. Dr. Fred S.

Buschmeyer, the Rev. Dr. John Van Schaick, the Rev. Dr. W.

Waldemar Argow. Rabbi Norman Gerstenfeld, Dr. Mordecai W. Johnson, Dr. Percival Hall, Dr.

Winfred Overholser, Dr. John A. Logan, Dr. Julia M. Green.

Senator Burton, Republican, of Ohio: Representative Reed, Republican, of New York: Brig. Gen. Henry C. Newcomer, Col. Archibald King, Col.

Henry H. Pfeil, Frederic A. Delano and Robert Lincoln O'Brien. Music for the service was provided by Lewis C. Atwater, organist at All Souls' for 25 years.

Weather Report District of -Occasional rain and moderate temperature this afternoon, tonight and Saturday morning. Maryland--Occasional rain and moderate temperature this afternoon, tonight and Saturday morning. Virginia Occasional rain and moderate temperature this afternoon, tonight and Saturday morning. River Report. Potomac and Shenandoah Rivers Harpers Ferry.

Potomac clear at Great Falls. Report for Last 21 Hours. Temperature. Yesterday-. Degrees.

4 p.m. 15 p.m 70 Midnight 66 Today4 a.m. 63 8 a.m. Noon 67 Record for Last 21 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest, 15.

3:55 p.m.; ago, 70. Lowest, at 7:55 a.m.: year ago, 65. Record Temperatures This Year. Highest. 98.

on August 10. Lowest, 6. on February 15. Humidity for Last 24 Hours. (From noon yesterday to noon today.) Highest.

100 per cent, at 8:30 a.m. Lowest. 68 per cent. at 2:30 p.m. Tide Tables.

(Furnished by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey.) Today, Tomorrow. High 10:04 a.m. 10:49 a.m. Low 4:37 a.m. 5:24 a.m.

High p.m. 11:09 p.m. Low p.m. 5:35 p.m. The Sun and Moon.

Rises. Sets. Sun. tomorrow 1:19 Sun, today 6:30 Moon. today 8:17 9:19 Automobile light must be turned on half hour after sunset.

Precipitation. Monthly precipitation in inches In the Capital (current month to date): 1943. Average. Record. January 2.87 3.55 7.83 '37 February 6.81 '84 March 4.31 8.84 '91 April 3 9.13 '89 May 4.04 3.70 10.69 '89 June 10.94 '00 July 10.63 '86 August September October 0.13 NI 1 November 8.69 '89 December 3.32 7.56 '01 Funeral Rites Sunday For Samuel Adler Mrs.

Laura B. Leonard Dies of Heart Ailment Mrs. Laura B. Leonard, wife of Fred J. Leonard, who recently retired as superintendent of the Northwest post office in Chevy Chase, died yesterday of a heart ailment at Doctors Hospital.

Mrs. Leonard, a native of Berkley. Springs, W. had lived in the District area for over 40 years. She was a member of the Chevy Chase Women's Club, Chevy a Chase Chapter of the Eastern Star and was active in the Chevy Chase Methodist Church.

Besides her husband, she is survived by three sons, Frederick A. Everett and Lt. James David Leonard, who is in North Africa. She lived at 6716 North Central avenue, Chevy Chase, Md. Funeral services will be held at W.

Reuben Pumphrey funeral home in Bethesda at 2 p.m. tomorrow. The Rev. Dr. Cliford H.

Richman, pastor of the Chevy Chase Methodist Church, and the Rev. Dr. Edward G. Latch, pastor of the Metropolitan Methodist Church, will officiate. Burial will be in Rock Creek Cemetery.

Mrs. Mary Gauges Dies; D. I C. Resident Since 1890 Mrs. Catherine Gauges, 78.

a resident the District for more Mary, than 50 years, died today in Sibley Hospital after a brief illness. Mrs. Gauges, a native of Baltimore, had lived in the District since 1890. The widow of Joseph A. Gauges, a botanist at the Agriculture Department, she lived at 1601 Otis street N.E.

She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary and the Sodality of the St. Martin's and St. Anthony's Churches. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. Regina A.

Howard, trude C. Dolan and Miss Margaret M. Gauges, and three sons, Joseph George F. and Francis P. Gauges.

The latter is grand chef de gare, 40 and 8, of the District of Columbia. Funeral services for Samuel Adler, 75, buyer and manager of Rich's Shoe Store, will be held at 11 a.m. Sunday in the Hebrew Friendship Cemetery, Baltimore, Md. Mr. Adler, who died of a heart ailment yesterday, had been associated with the store for 54 years.

native of Baltimore, he lived at 423 Massachusetts avenue N.W. Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Carrie Adler. Pennsylvania Judge Dies; Ran for Governor in '42 By the Associated Press. PITTSBURGH, Oct.

Ralph H. Smith of Allegheny County Common Pleas Court, candidate for the Democratic nomination for Governor or Pennsylvania in 1942, died suddenly this morning while talking to his wife in the living room of their home. He was stricken with a heart attack. He was the third member of the county judiciary to die within a week, being preceded in death by Judge H. Walton Mitchell of Orphans' Court and Judge Andrew T.

Park of Common Pleas Court. Judge apparently in the best of health, attended a memorial service yesterday for Judge Park. Dr. P. W.

Rowland, 82, Noted Physician, Dies By the Associated Press. UNIVERSITY. Oct. Peter Whitman Rowland, 82, for many years a leader in the medical KILL ROACHES RATS, too! Get rid of pests that creep while you sleep Use Stearns' Electric Paste. Convenient.

No fuss, no muss. 35c and $1.00 sizes at your druggist's. STEARNS' ELECTRIC RAT ROACH PASTE HOLD THAT CALL TO "INFORMATION" War -Time "Information" Service Should Be Limited, to Calls for Numbers Not Listed in Directory MORE than 10,000 calls are made daily in Washington for numbers that are plainly listed in the directory. These needless calls make up one-third of the total calls received at our "Information" Board. This means that each of our Information operators spend one out of three hours daily handling unnecessary calls, time that should be spent handling essential calls.

This means that thousands of circuits and much without equipment are tied up just cause facilities badly needed in the war effort. This means that 10,000 times daily two calls are made when would do. only one We are certain you will agree that such a waste of vital communications equipment and personnel cannot be justified in time of war. We will gladly furnish telephone numbers that are NOT listed in the directory. But, as a wartime measure, we must urge our customers to consult the directory carefully before calling We ask your cooperation and understanding.

The war needs, and must have, the wires. FOR VICTORY BUY THE CHESAPEAKE AND POTOMAC TELEPHONE COMPANY (Bell System) profession in the South, died at his Oxford (Miss.) home yesterday. He was credited with establishing the first clinical use of oxygen therapy in the treatment of lobar pneumonia, the establishment at the University of Mississippi of the Arst pharmacology laboratory in the South and one of the first in the Nation, and the development of the Rowland Medical Library. Army, Navy and Marine OFFICERS OXFORDS 4.95 Genuine leather Oxfords made especially for Officers in the Armed Forces, skill. fully made for complete comfort and long wear.

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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

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Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.